Exposure to the Linux operating system ecosystem introduces its users to an in-depth understanding of Linux process management footprints. By definition, a process is a program that is continually executing.
A program that is not executing does not qualify as a process since it is a passive entity. Its executing state makes it an active entity hence a process. It is also worth mentioning that a single program in execution can be associated with multiple processes.
Now that we have understood what a process is, it’s common courtesy to recognize the two types of processes in existence.
- Foreground processes – Another name for this type of process is interactive processes. A system user or programmer is behind the initialization and execution of these processes. The system services are not responsible for their initialization/execution. These processes return output from a user’s input. Once a process is already running, it is impossible to directly initiate a new one from the same terminal instance.
- Background processes – Another name for this type of process is non-interactive processes. The system services or users are responsible for their initiation and execution. The system users can also manage them. A unique process identifier (PID) is assigned to each of these processes.
A Zombie Process in Linux
When a process is dead or defunct, it is referred to as a zombie process. A process table accommodates entries from processes that are still executing.
Once their execution completes, the process table gets rid of their entries. However, it is not the same case with zombie processes. Their entries remain valid on the process table even after their execution completes.
Linux Processes States
The various process states that can be found on a Linux process table include:
- Running(R) – These are currently running/active processes.
- Waiting(S/D) – These processes are waiting on a currently-being-used resource or for an event and this wait can either be uninterruptible sleep (D) or interruptible sleep (S).
- Stopped(T) – The active status of these processes has been disabled by an appropriate signal.
- Zombie(Z) – These processes still exist on the process table despite finishing their assigned tasks and are associated with the EXIT_ZOMBIE status.
How Zombie Processes are Created
Once a process completes its assigned task, that process’s parent is notified by the Linux kernel via a SIGCHLD signal. A wait()
system call is executed by the parent process to read the child process’s status before reading its exit code.
This chain of events leads to the cleanup of the child process entry from the process table. However, when the parent process can’t handle or process the SIGCHLD signal related to the child process, a zombie process is created.
How to Identify Zombie Processes in Linux
We can use the Linux ps command which outputs a snapshot report of current processes.
$ ps aux

If you find any Z entry in the STAT column, then you are dealing with a zombie process.
Alternatively, we could pipe the ps command through the awk command to filter out any zombie processes (Z) on your system.
$ ps aux | awk '{if($8=="Z") print}'
How to Clean a Zombie Processes in Linux
Since a Zombie process is already dead and can’t be killed, we are left with the alternative of cleaning it up.
We can manually target the parent process of the zombie process with a SIGCHLD signal to initiate a wait()
system call from that parent process. This approach makes it possible to clean up; from the process table, the defunct child process entry.
The first step is to identify the defunct process’s parent id.
$ ps -A -ostat,pid,ppid | grep -e '[zZ]'
If you have a zombie process on your system, the above command should list the associated STAT column, process id, and parent process id respectfully. The sample output is as follows:
Z 208 203
From the above sample output, 203 is the parent process id (ppid), and to clean up the zombie process, we will execute:
$ kill -s SIGCHLD 203
The above approach only cleans up the zombie process if the parent process successfully handles SIGCHLD signals.
In the approach discussed above, we have sampled and identified the parent process id as 203. To kill the parent process, we will execute the command:
$ kill -9 203
[ You might also like: Differences Between PID, TID, and PPID in Linux ]
We can now comfortably handle zombie processes in Linux. Hope you enjoyed the article. As always, your comments and feedback are most welcomed.
Hi linuxshelltips.com, how are you?
I’m Leonardo and I live in Sâo Paulo/Brazil, I follow your content and it helps me a lot in my daily life.
I would like to inform you about the command, I don’t know if it could be a fix, because here for me it worked like this:
Your output is missing the letter
of ps aux command.@Leonardo,
We are good here, thanks for asking…
Yes, there was missing
in the commandps aux
.We have corrected the command in the article…