Brief: Github hosts many valuable and insightful repositories for developers and learning purposes. Here are some of the 7 best GitHub repositories for Linux developers.
GitHub is every developer’s closest friend, and justifiably so. It hosts open-source projects, resources, and libraries from the best software developers and engineers. It’s the go-to platform for developers or anyone seeking to learn the ropes in web and application development.
This guide explores some of the 7 best GitHub repositories that will make you a standout developer from 99% of people.
1. Memphis – Data Processing Platform
Message brokers are a core component of any communication system that comprises various applications, each with its own mode of communicating. A message broker is basically an application that facilitates the exchange of messages across a plethora of applications and systems, even when they are built using various technologies and using various messaging protocols.
Memphis {dev} is a next-generation message broker. It’s an open-source real-time data processing platform and cloud-native distributed message broker that is ideal for event-driven applications. It’s a perfect solution for microservices architecture and cloud-native environments where applications generate massive amounts of real-time and enriched data.
Memphis dev offers impressive broker performance improvements and is a perfect replacement for Apache Kafka and RabbitMQ. It provides rapid deployment minus operational and deployment overhead. It removes coding barriers and helps data engineers save a great amount of time while deploying applications.
Memphis dev is the recommended message broker for modern and complex applications running on cloud or even bare-metal infrastructure.

2. The Art of Command Line
Working on the command line is one of the solid skills that enhances your productivity and efficiency as a developer, system administrator, network & DevOps engineer, or any other IT professional who aspires to take their career to the next level.
The Art of Command Line repository is a collection of notes and tips on working the command line, especially for Linux. The repository features commands; from the most basic and intermediate to fairly complex and obscure ones.
In broad terms, these commands fall into some of the following categories:
- Directory commands such as ls, pwd, cd, rm, and rmdir.
- Network commands such as traceroute, ping, ifconfig, netstat, and route.
- File management commands e,g cat, touch, chmod, and chown.
- Regular expressions.
- Redirection of output and input using
symbols. - System debugging commands.
- Git version control.
- And many more..
In a nutshell, the Art of Command line is an overview of the Linux system. It covers basically everything there is to know about working on the command line.

3. Public APIs
Public APIs are a collection of free APIs for use in web and software development. The repository provides over 1425 APIs in 50 categories. These categories include anti-malware, documents and productivity, cryptocurrency, machine learning, and many others.
The APIs come in handy for developers who wish to incorporate them into their development projects.

4. Hover.CSS
The Hover.CSS repository is a collection of CSS3-powered hover effects that are applied to buttons, links, SVG-featured images, logos, and so on. You can use these resources to spruce up your HTML elements and bring more life to your web pages.
The hover effects are available in CSS, Sass, and LESS.

5. OSSU/Computer Science
The OSSU curriculum repository is a collection of online study materials in computer science. It provides learning content for users who aspire to grasp solid and well-grounded IT fundamentals in various disciplines.
The training content is provided by Open Source Society University and is absolutely free. Individual courses come from some of the very best Universities in the world including MIT, Princeton, Harvard, etc.

6. Awesome Design Patterns
The Awesome Design Patterns repository features a curated list of software and architecture-related design patterns.
Software design pattern refers to a general and reusable solution to commonly recurring challenges within the software design concept. It’s essentially a reusable template for solving problems that can be applied in various situations.
The repository includes design patterns implemented in over 10 programming languages including C, C++, C#, Go, Java, Javascript, Python, React, Scala, and many more.
The design patterns span various technologies such as Microservices and distributed systems, DevOps and containers, serverless architecture, cloud architecture, and front-end development to mention a few.

7. 33 Js Concepts
33 JS Concepts is a repository that documents a set of rules and concepts that every JS developer should know. The repository was created with the goal of helping developers grasp fundamental concepts in Javascript in a deeper and better way.
The table of contents contains fundamental topics of Javascript starting from primitive datatypes, and data structures, to inheritance, polymorphism, and code reuse. The learning resources are a mix of blog articles and instructional videos from seasoned developers and experienced software engineers with vast experience in software development.
This repository is an excellent resource for students looking forward to refining their Javascript skills.

That was a roundup of some of the Best 7 GitHub repositories. The repositories have amassed thousands of GitHub stars and are considered extremely helpful for developers, engineers, and students.
If we’ve missed any useful github repository in the list that you want us to include, do share it in the comments.