Home Linux Commands Important cURL Commands for Linux Developers

Important cURL Commands for Linux Developers

Curl has made data transfer between two machines connected on the same network much easier. As curl command adheres to a specific URL syntax to successfully transfer data over a network.

By default, no user interaction is needed during the execution of the curl command. Out of the numerous protocols it supports, the prominent ones are HTTP, HTTPS, SFTP, SCP, SMTP, SMTPS, FTP, FTPS, and FILE.

This article will walk us through some essential curl-related commands that can be useful to developers seeking a breakthrough under a Linux operating system environment.

Install Curl Command in Linux

If you do not already have curl installed on your Linux distribution, reference the following installation guide for different distributions.

$ sudo apt install curl         [On Debian, Ubuntu and Mint]
$ sudo yum install curl         [On RHEL/CentOS/Fedora and Rocky Linux/AlmaLinux]
$ sudo emerge -a net-misc/curl  [On Gentoo Linux]
$ sudo pacman -S curl           [On Arch Linux]
$ sudo zypper install curl      [On OpenSUSE]    

Important Curl Commands Usage

We will categorize these important curl commands in the following manner:

Curl Command Help

These commands keep you better informed about the usage of curl.

$ curl --help

Provide quick assistance on the general usage of curl.

Curl Command Help
Curl Command Help

Expounds on the Curl options outputted by the curl –help command.

$ curl --help | grep [search_value]
Curl Command Help and Usage
Curl Command Help and Usage

Curl Command Manual

Gives users access to the curl manual page.

$ man curl
Curl Command Manual
Curl Command Manual

General Curl Command Usage

This section will cover the primary usage of curl commands with options and arguments.

Curl Show Web Page Content

The following command retrieves and prints a targeted URL’s content on standard output (stdout).

$ curl https://github.com/ranger/ranger/blob/master/README.md
Show Web Page Content In Terminal
Show Web Page Content In Terminal

Curl Write Output to File

Instead of printing on standard output (stdout), a targeted URL’s content is printed on a specified file.

$ curl URL > https://github.com/ranger/ranger/blob/master/README.md
$ curl -o file2 https://github.com/ranger/ranger/blob/master/README.md
Redirect Web Page Content to File
Redirect Web Page Content to File

The following command writes output to a local file (takes the same name as the downloaded file).

$ curl -O URL
Write Ouput to Local File
Write Output to Local File

Curl Print Verbose Details

The following command will print verbose details linked to the URL target.

$ curl -v URL
Print URL Verbose Details
Print URL Verbose Details

Curl Trace Dump Data

The following command enables a full trace dump on all incoming and outgoing data.

$ curl --trace file_name URL
Curl Trace Dump Data
Curl Trace Dump Data

Curl Hide Error Messages

The following command will hide error messages and progress meter during data transfer (silent mode).

$ curl -s URL
Don’t Show Error Messages
Don’t Show Error Messages

Curl HTTP Headers Commands

This section of curl commands will help you set and read the HTTP Headers from the terminal.

Curl Fetch HTTP Headers

The following command will fetch the headers from the server (HEAD).

$ curl -I URL
Fetch HTTP Headers from Server
Fetch HTTP Headers from Server

Curl Add HTTP Header in Output

Associate curl command output with HTTP header.

$ curl -i URL
Add HTTP Header in Output
Add HTTP Header in Output

Curl Pass Multiple Headers to Server

Initiate server requests with multiple headers.

$ curl -H "HTTP General Header" -H "HTTP Request Header" URL
Pass Multiple Headers to Server
Pass Multiple Headers to Server

Curl Add Custom HTTP Header to Server

Initiate server requests with the custom HTTP header.

$ curl -H "{X-Key}:{Value}" {URL}

Curl Write Protocol Headers to File

Specify a file for writing received protocol headers.

$ curl -D file_name URL
Write Protocol Headers to File
Write Protocol Headers to File

Curl HTTP Cookies Commands

This section of curl commands will help you set and read the HTTP Cookies from the terminal.

Curl Save HTTP Cookies to File

All HTTP cookies are saved to a specified file.

$ curl -c file_name URL
Save HTTP Cookies File
Save HTTP Cookies File

Curl Read HTTP Cookies from File

The following command will read cookies from the file and pass data to HTTP Server in the Cookie header.

$ curl -b file_name URL
Read HTTP Cookies from File
Read HTTP Cookies from File

Curl Read HTTP Cookies from Data

The following command will pass the cookie header to the HTTP server from data (key: value).

$ curl -b "{key1:value1;key2:value2}" {URL}

Curl Delete HTTP Session Cookies

Destroy existing session cookies for a new session.

$ curl -j URL
Delete HTTP Cookies Session
Delete HTTP Cookies Session

Proxy Curl Commands Usage

This section of curl commands will help you set the proxy server URL and port number and also with authentication.

# Make use of a specific proxy server.
$ curl -x {proxy_url}:{port} {URL}

# Proxy authentication with username and password.
$ curl -U {username}:{password} - x {proxy_url}:{port} {URL}

# List/include non-proxy hosts
$ curl --noproxy {url1} -x {proxy_url}:{port} {URL}

FTP Curl Commands Usage

This section of curl commands will help you to transfer files to and from an FTP Server.

# Anonymously print FTP site’s directory listing.
$ curl FTP_URL

# Anonymously downloada  specific file fromthe  FTP server.
$ curl FTP_URL/file_name

# Anonymously upload file to a server via FTP
$ curl -T /path/to/file FTP_URL

# Securely upload file to a server via FTP
$ curl -u ftp_username:ftp_user_password -T "file_a,file_b" FTP_URL

# Anonymously upload and append a file to an existing one. 
$ curl -T /path/to/file -a FTP_URL/existing_file

Curl HTTP Post/Put Data Commands

This section of curl commands will show you how to enclose data as part of a request.

# Initiate HTTP server POST/PUT request. 
$ curl -d 'key2=value2&key3=value3' -X POST/PUT URL

# Initiate HTTP server POST/PUT request with data sent from a file. 
$ curl -d @file_name -X POST/PUT URL

Curl REST API Commands

This section of curl commands will illustrate how to invoke REST APIs with different HTTP methods.

# GET and JSON REST API invocation.
$ curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET REST_API

# POST and JSON REST API invocation.
$ curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d 'key:value' REST_API

# PUT and JSON REST API invocation.
$ curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d 'key:value' REST_API

# DELETE REST API invocation. 

Curl Security Commands

This section of curl commands will show some of the ways to perform authentication.

# Authenticate a user with an associated password. 
$ curl -u username:user_password URL

# SSL certificate plus password authentication via curl. 
$ curl --cert certificate_file.pem:password URL

Curl Configuration File

The curl configuration file .curlrc should exist in the user home directory, if not, create it:

$ nano ~/.curlrc

Sample configuration entries associated with this file include:

# Timeout in seconds
-m 100
# Custom default proxy setting
proxy =
# Proxy user and password setting
proxy-user = "username:user_password"

With these Curl commands cheat sheet, Linux-based developers will have some confidence interacting with data over a network.

Credit: André Maré

Ravi Saive
I am an Experienced GNU/Linux expert and a full-stack software developer with over a decade in the field of Linux and Open Source technologies. Founder of TecMint.com, LinuxShellTips.com, and Fossmint.com. Over 150+ million people visited my websites.

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